First question is quite a big one, as it asked to explain the books title. Well, three titles in one, so here goes at three answers in one go. Human consciousness and out of body experiences along with time travel are still classed as scientific phenomenon’s’ as the book is principally about all three of these phenomenon’s this was my first choice for the main title.
Secondly, if you could find a way to travel outside your physicality leaving your body behind on Earth it would truly take you on the greatest adventure ever experienced. Talking, walking and traveling in a spirit filled life is what all born again, baptised in the spirit Christians strive to do. This then is how the second part of my book title came about.
Thirdly, most people ask these next questions at some point in their life. Was I alive before conception? Will I be alive beyond conception after I die or does my short life just go black and that is it. The book answers these questions in detail hence the third part of the books title ‘Before Conception and Beyond’.
Keep the questions coming and thank you for reading.
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