about the author

Born and raised surrounded by heavy industry in the UK Yorkshire town of Rotherham, the vast majority of people around the author in the 1960s either worked in coal, steel or construction. In those days Rotherham was as hard as the steel it produced. Both men and woman were fiercely protective of their families, friends and hard won rights. Whole communities were forged together through their daily struggle to survive the polluted air, rivers and toxic chemical belching out from hundreds of factory chimneys. If you hung the washing out on any other day than a Monday it came in dirtier than it went out. Through all that hardship everyday life had plenty of belly laughs. It was that strong Rotherham camaraderie that allowed town folk to work hard and play harder. That ingrained search for fun, faith and fulfilment shaped Neil Fulcher’s journey which literally took him from this world into another becoming the greatest adventure ever experienced.

about the book

From the very dawn of time when humanity started to explore our blue planet there has also always been a compulsion to find our true origins – body, soul and spirit. In this modern age we accept that those origins came from a sun-drenched primordial pool full of organic sea sludge. If you travelled back in time 90,000 years and spoke to cave people from Africa to Australia drawing on their walls and showed them the sea sludge we had once come from, they would hardly be able to stop laughing before they clubbed some sense into you. Because they know; they feel; they sense not affiliation with sea sludge but with a powerful force, that we are not alone. That search to find them… who watch you from unseen dimensions is just as powerful today as it was in people thousands of years ago. Many people make contact with them… in pre-birth experiences as do in post-death experiences. Real demons that travel from the underworld of Hades to visit you and real angels who travel from the Kingdom of Heaven to protect you; but why? What do you have that they want? Hidden deep in ancient biblical scrolls are the coded instructions on how to actually visit these other dimensional worlds. Your body is the container that takes your consciousness physically anywhere you choose to go on earth. Your soul is the lost container that can take your consciousness spiritually anywhere in infinity and beyond. Travel with me to a place outside your physical self on the greatest adventure you will ever experience. This book is about you; the person you are now with, the life you have today. This book uses your very own name as you read its pages, you are the main character. It also enables you to leave the life you have now and travel deep into other dimensional worlds, where survival is not about weapons but about knowledge of who you really are and where you really came from.



My philosophy book, ‘Phenomenon: The Greatest Adventure Ever Experienced’, was featured by the Rotherham Life magazine, December issue. The article provides insights into my book in a beautiful ........



MATRIX 4 – RESURRECTIONS has finally arrived and thank you to everyone so far who is bombarding me with the similarities to my book Phenomenon – The Greatest Adventure Ever Experienced – Before Concep ........


Thank you to all those people who are asking, how real are the places in the book, and can they be visited? All the key places mentioned in the book are real and can be visited. Rotherham is the South ........


First question is quite a big one, as it asked to explain the books title. Well, three titles in one, so here goes at three answers in one go. Human consciousness and out of body experiences along wit ........


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